Become a Patron! The first guest that I interview in Biz in Poland podcast is the singing Scotsman Brian Allan, founder and owner of Rock Your Business. I am very happy that he agreed to be interviewed for the podcast.
Become a Patron! The first thing to do when you will register a company in Poland is to decide which one of the 8 company forms you will use. Please notice that there are different rules applying to each of
Become a Patron! Happy New year! What can we expect from 2022 when it comes to Poland and business in Poland? In this New year episode I am telling you shortly what I expect is going to happen with business
Become a Patron! In this podcast episode I will discuss the 10 most important steps before starting a business in Poland. This is of course strictly my view of it after been living and done business here since 2008. There
Become a Patron! From 1 of Jan. 2022 the tax reform called the Polish Deal or Polski Ład in polish will be implemented. There are many big changes and in this episode I will give you a short overview of
Become a Patron! There are many pros regarding doing business in Poland and of course also some cons. Hear about the most important ones in this second episode of Biz in Poland podcast. You can here on my website read
Become a Patron! The first episode in Biz in Poland podcast is a welcome and introduction episode. You will learn who the host Søren Christensen is. Plus what you can expect and what to gain from listening to Biz in