Business news from Poland and companies in Poland directory
Biz in Poland has expanded with business news from Poland that you can find on Here I daily write about business news from Poland and in the different branches.
In March alone I wrote over 100 articles about business news from Poland and it will be the same as a min. in April. It gives you an insight about business life in Poland.
A great advertising option!
I get more and more visitors so it is also a great idea to advertise there as well and there are many options regarding ads and geotargeting so it only shows the visitors that you want to see the ad. You will also get access to info about clicks etc. via e-mail, so you can see how the campaign is performing.
Advertorial that is optimised is also a possibility that often is a better solution and it will be shown on the front page of business news from Poland. You can see how it can look like here.
Contact me for more information and of course please read the info on the website first.
Find or add a Polish company in the companies in Poland directory
Not “only” has Biz in Poland launched a news website regarding business news from Poland but also a companies in Poland directory! It has that name and you find it on
You can for free add your Polish company and you can search for free as well. There are also paid options that give you a lot of benefits.
Potential customers can contact you directly via mail form, live chat with you and you can even take bookings if you want to! You can chat with more than one at a time. See how a company profile looks like on the website.
Your firm’s opening hours can be shown and of course link to your firm, your company’s social profiles and of course description of your services etc. Inkl. anchor links in your text! Video and images can also be added!
It is also possible to have more than one listing and also feature your company profile on the frontpage and much more! Advertising there is of course also an option. Check it out here and contact me for more information if needed.